Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 - Online Discussion Question: Autumn

Post a thought provoking question for your classmates to discuss about any material covered in Unit 1.


  1. List all of the Baby Steps.


  2. 1. $1,000 emergency fund
    2. Pay off debt using debt snowball.
    3. 3-6 months of expenses in savings.
    4. start investing 15% of household income.
    5. college funding.
    6. pay off your house early.
    7. build wealth and give.

  3. 1. $500 to $1000 in an emergency fund.
    2. Pay of all debt except house using debt snowball.
    3. 3-6 months of expenses in a full-funded emergency fund.
    4. Invest 15% of total income into pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA's.
    5. College funding.
    6. pay off your home earlier than expected.
    7. Build wealth and give!

  4. 1. $1000 in an emergency fund.
    2. pay of all debt except house using debt snowball.
    3. 3-6 months of expenses in a full-funded emergency fund.
    4. invest 15% of total income into Pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA's.
    5. college funding.
    6. pay off your home early
    7. build wealth and give!


  5. 1) $1000 in an emergency fund
    2) debt snowball (pay of all debt except mortgage)
    3) 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund
    4) invest 15% of the total income into Pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA's
    5) college funds
    6) pay off mortgage
    7) build wealth and give

  6. The baby steps are
    1) Thousand dollars in an emergency fund
    2) Debt snowball
    3) 3-6 months of expenses in the emergency fund
    4) Investing 15% of household income into retirement plans
    5) College funds
    6) Pay mortgage until completely paid off
    7) Build wealth and tithe

  7. 1. $1,000 in an emergency fund. (Unless you're income is under $20,000 a year, then put $500 in an emergency fund.)
    2. Pay off all debt except the house utilizing the debt snowball.
    3. Three to six months expenses in savings.
    4. Invest 15% of your household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement plans.
    5. College funding
    6. Pay off your home early.
    7. Build wealth and give.

  8. #1 $1000 in an emergency fund
    #2 Debt snowball (pay of all debt except mortgage)
    #3 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund
    #4 Invest 15% of the total income into Pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA's
    #5 College funds
    #6 Pay off mortgage
    #7 Build wealth and give

  9. 1. $1000 in an emergency fund
    2. Pay off all debt except mortgage
    3. 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund
    4. Invest15% of the total income into Pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA'S
    5. College Funds
    6. Pay off mortgage
    7. Build wealth and give

  10. 1) $1000 in an emergency fund
    2) debt snowball (pay of all debt except mortgage)
    3) 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund
    4) invest 15% of the total income into Pre-tax retirement plans and Roth IRA's
    5) college funds
    6) pay off mortgage
    7) build wealth and give

  11. 1. Thousand dollars in the emergency fund
    2. Debt snowball
    3. 3-6 months expenses
    4. 15% of income in retirement funds
    5. save for college

  12. 1. put $1,000 in emergency fund
    2. debt snowball
    3. 3-6 months of expenses
    4. put 15% of income in retirement funds
    5. college funds
    6. pay of your mortgage
    7. build wealth and give


  13. 1) put $1000 in an emergency fund.
    2) debt snowball.
    3) 3-6 months expenses.
    4) 15% of income in retirement funds.
    5) college funds.
    6) pay of your mortgage.
    7) build wealth and give.
