Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4 - Online Discussion Question 5

Dave talked about 2 financial principles at the end of the chapter:

1) Keep a giving spirit
2) Remember the Tortoise and the Hare story

Explain these principles and what can we learn from them?


  1. 1) You have to give a little in order to gain anything.
    2) The world is A.D.D. just like the hare and the tortoise always wins! If you invest and let the money grow overtime you will have a lot.

  2. #1 If you want to get something you must give something. It's good to have a giving spirit, otherwise you would most likely grip your money.
    #2 Patience is a virtue! Good things always come to those who wait, and those who plan ahead :)

  3. 1. You can't receive if you don't give, if your hands are closed tight, no money will get out, but no money can get in either.
    2. get rich quick schemes are a fraud, growing money takes time and hard work.

  4. 1. If you want to receive, you also have to give.
    2. Just like the tortoise always wins, so do people who are patient with their money.


  5. 1. Giving keeps our focus on what's really important, and will hopefully prevent greed from becoming an issue when we're dealing with money. Also, God has commanded that we help those around us and we are honoring Him when we give.
    2. Instead of investing to get rich quickly, it's much wiser to choose investment options that are solid, to diversify your money, and to be patient waiting for your return.

  6. 1) To succeed, whenever you get something you need to give something.

    2) Taking the fastest option isn't always the best. You are better off waiting and being patient.

  7. 1. If you want to receive, you also have to give.

    2. Just like the tortoise who always wins, so do the people who are patient and calm with their money.

  8. 1) Giving is necessary because it helps you keep money in its place in your life. This keeps your head on and gives you the freedom to put your money in different places. This also brings on the blessing of our Lord!

    2) The Tortoise and the Hare story illustrates that "slow and steady wins the race."
    Take your time and act wisely or you might run out of breath and collapse!

  9. (1) give a little, get a little. you need to learn how to be a cheerful giver to be able to hold on to your money long term

    (2) acquiring money takes time there is NO "get rich quick scheme" people that tell you that just want your money


  10. Adam
    1. You have to spend some money in order to make money.
    2. Slow and stead wins the race this is not the thing that most people think about. But this is true in saving money.
    Both of these together mean that it is better to save money by investing slowly so that you will win in the end

  11. #1 if you want to get money you should give money.

    #2 don't try to get rich quick. time and hard work are the right way to go.


  12. 1. God loves it when you give so He will bless you.
    2. Take your time and work hard, you will be rewarded in the end

  13. 1. you have to have a giving spirit so you can use your money and not hold onto it.
    2. it is impossible to get rich quick there are no short cuts so take your time and be smart with your money.
