Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1 - Online Discussion Question 3

Did any of the debt myth/truths covered in class surprise you and/or change the way you thought about it? If so, which one(s) and why?


  1. Myth #1 surprised me a little bit. I mean it makes sense and all, but I never thought of it like that. Some of my family members have loaned to each other, and were supposed to pay back, but never did. That has added a lot of stress and strain to their relationships over the years. It it would've been given as a gift, there wouldn't be that stress or strain.

  2. None of the Myths that we have learned about so far have surprised me. Moody Radio has a finance advisor come on once in a while, and when he as addressed these in the past I followed his line of logic.

  3. i wasn't really surprised at any of the myths because i have heard them before


  4. None of the Myths really surprised me that much, but I was surprised, when we took time to think about it, how common it is that people believe the Myths and act on them.

  5. The second myth surprised me. Normally I'm all for helping friends and family in need. I also hate when people get taken advantage of, and this is it. It's good to know for the future.


  6. None because I had heard them before.... I was surprised, however, at how many people actually believe them lol

  7. The only one that surprised me was the one of co-signing a loan. I never thought that the person co-signing would end up paying the debt.

  8. None of them surprised me because I had heard of them before.

  9. I wasn't too surprised at any of them, I had heard of most before.

  10. None of them were really surprising to me


  11. None of them where a real big surprise to me….
