Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 17 - Online Discussion Question 4

Review the information packet regarding wills. What is one thing that you learned and/or stood out to you? (nothing learned/stood out will not suffice as an answer). Why is it important to have a will in place?


  1. One thing that stood out was the part that said, 'Having a will allows you to "speak" after you're gone.'
    Its important to have a will in place because you don't want to leave much hardship for your family when you die. Also its rude to die without a will.

  2. One thing that stood out to me was that we should learn about having a will while we're young so that we can fall back on the information we learn when we're older and need to write out the will.


  3. the thing i found interesting was that you want to keep two copies of the will in your house/ it is important to have a will in place so that the government cant take your stuff and so that your family wont have to worry about figuring out who gets what


  4. One thing I found interesting was that we need to learn about writing a will now so that when the time comes for us to write one, we know how to do it and why we are writing it. And it's important to have a will so that your family can more easily take of your things rather than sit an argue about who gets what and why.

  5. I found it interesting that you were able to put money into an organization or charity. It's important to have a will in place, so that the tax man can't make more money off of you.

  6. I thought it was interesting that we need to learn about it now, and it is important because it helps to prevent the government from taking your stuff and your family from fighting over it.

  7. A piece that stood out to me was how the will speaks for you when you are gone. If you don't, your family will have a VERY large mess to deal with once you are gone. It will also keep the government from getting your stuff after you die. This is a plan that specifically state what stuff is who's.

  8. I liked learning and understanding the difference between a will and an estate as well as learning what all of the terms mean. It's important to establish a will so your family and/or the other people in your life don't have to deal with the mess of trying to distribute your wealth, possessions, and assets.

  9. I thought that it has interesting that it was pushing us to learn about wills now. i hadn't really thought about it before because i'm not planing on dying any time soon. So that people don't argue about your stuff after you're dead.


  10. I found it interesting that there are so many things that must happen when the will is being signed. All the witnesses must do and watching each other sign. It's odd how you need to make the will very precise. Who are the people who look for the loopholes and why are they trying to do this? The importances of the Will is that you can tell everyone where you want your stuff to go and not just tell everyone that their on their own.

  11. I did not know that the will was a small part of the "estate plan." I thought they were the same thing and that all you needed was a will.

  12. I thought it was interesting all of things you need in a will. It is good to have one so that when you die your things don't go to the government.
