Monday, February 3, 2014

January 31 - Online Discussion Question 1

What did you learn from the budgeting activity in class?


  1. That it's hard to work with a family budget, more so than your own. It's also much harder to agree on things with one's spouse ;)

  2. some things cost way more than one would think


  3. It helps a lot to use information you know about from your own life to use indeed of making up your own. This activity really makes you put your priories in order.

  4. I learned that it's really difficult when you have the government taxing you and payments to make.


  5. It helps to set out a plan that assigns your money to specific uses. This way you know you won't overspend

  6. I can totally see how that if you don't use a budget you'll spend wayyy more than you make. Using a budget gives you a good idea of what you have and how much you can spend on what.

  7. I learned that it is very difficult to put together a budget if you have not kept track of what you typically spend on things. You need to know how much you need to spend and how much your normally spend so that you can figure out and distribute the difference.

  8. Within a budget, you need to be flexible and willing to give up unnecessary things and to be able to save, give, and still pay for the things that are necessary for living.

  9. If you don't have a budget I can see how it would be easy to over spend and go into debt. It is also really difficult to agree with your spouse on what you do and don't need.

  10. That things cost a lot and it can be very hard to make room for everything in your budget.


  11. some things are very expensive, and taxes suck. but that you can survive on a very small income if you budget properly.

  12. That it can be challenging and you have to make it fit your personal situation, and you might have to give up some of your entertainment/hobbies for a time, even if you don't want to. :)
