Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 14 - Online Discussion Question 3

What could happen to you financially if you do not have the proper amount of insurance?


  1. If something happens to you and you don't have the proper insurance for the situation it could cost you way more without it than with it.

  2. It could bankrupt you if it was severe enough. If all of your valuables were stolen or your house burnt down, and you didn't have everything insured, you would be in great distress.

  3. If you do not have insurance you could run completely out of money and even potentially be in debt when a big, unexpected bill comes along. This could happen from a car crash, a fire, a severe medical trauma, really any thing! However, if you have too much insurance you will be wasting your money on something that you don't need.

  4. If something major happens to your property or to you medically and you don't have insurance then you could run out of money and end up with nothing.

  5. If you don't have the proper amount of insurance and something big and disastrous happened, you would be pretty much out of luck.


  6. without insurance you are highly susceptible to bankruptcy because you will not be protected from things like car crashes and liability and other things that will cost a whole lot of money


  7. You could become stuck in debt if you don't have enough money for insurance, nor will you be protected from situations that could occur, leaving you with debt from both the situations that you could potentially be in and the insurance company.

  8. If you had no insurance and Murphy said hello then you would be paying all of the money out of pocket with no one to help pay or defend you. This could bankrupt you or drive you to sell everything.

  9. If you have no insurance and some horrific happens, you will be forced to pay out of pocket for the entire bill(s). And if the horrific thing was a tree falling on top of you, then you would have months of recovery, then months of physical therapy, which is expensive. And if you happened to be brick maker who makes 11 dollars an hour, and you only work 3 days of the week, and you live in a small apartment with your friend, you wouldn't be able to pay it. Then a black car pulls up to your apartment, and out steps two guys in black suits. They come up to your room and break the door down and run in, each with a silver pistol. Then they pin you to the wall and demand the money you owe. Then, as tears trickle down your cheek, you tell them you don't have enough money to pay them. After hearing this, they handcuff you and shove you into their car.Then, after two days in jail, you appear before a judge. After hearing your case, and after you try to convince him its not your fault, he sentences you to life in prison, and no chance of parole unless you can pay back what you owe. Now, since you cant pay, you sit in jail the rest of your days, and your body is still broken because you weren't finished with physical therapy.
    This is what could happen without life insurance :)

  10. If something terrible happens and you don't have insurance for something important than you could go bankrupt

    I also agree with Jonathan's point ;)


  11. You could go bankrupt if something bad happens to something important… And also, good job Jonathan ;)

  12. if you have an emergency with high expenses you could go bankrupt.
