Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15 - Online Discussion Question 4

Why would money affect your value system?


  1. Because if you have a lot of money (e.g. a kid growing up with a millionaire dad) you might take it for granted. If you don't have a ton, you might value what you have more, or just acknowledge that you can't have nicest things, and that you have to save and study finance more than a person who is rich.

  2. because if you have a lot of money things aren't expensive and you can just buy whatever you want but if you don't have a lot of money then things you buy are worth more


  3. Money affects your value system because if you grew up with a lot of money, you would look at the difference between "expensive" and "affordable" differently.

  4. You'll look at other people's situations differently, you'll be more or less thankful for what you have depending on your appreciation of money, you'll either spend wisely or in a frivolous manner. Depending on how much money you had or have, you'll think of things as expensive or affordable...

  5. Money can affect your personal value system, if you grew up with expensive toys, or even seeing your parents with expensive "toys" you might have the wrong perspective on the value/cost of the items.

  6. It is important because most people try to handle their money how their parents did. If their parents were rich and bought whatever they wanted their kids will most likely do the same and end up in a lot of debt.

  7. I think that as your money goes up you value on some of your stuff goes down. You will have enough money to buy for then one of something so you won't care if it is broken.

  8. If you have a lot of money or were raised with a lot of money you tend to take things for granted, might possibly be more spoiled. you might put a lot of value or your self security in things and money rather than in people.

  9. Money can affect your values in both a good and bad way, depending on how you started out in the first place and what happens to you.

    Bad: Money can become controlling. People can focus on it, and try to keep on gaining more to get more stuff. This results in selfishness and foolishness.

    The good: Money can be a blessing, and if you gain more of it, you will be able to give more of it. This will allow you to exercise a giving spirit.

  10. I agree with Haley. If you are raised with a lot of it more than likely you would be spoiled (if not that's great.) I also think you would know less about saving and wouldn't care near as much.

  11. If you've always have it good and grew up being rich you won't care as much when you spend a bunch of money. If you haven't had it as good you'll care more and spend your money more wisely.


  12. if you have always had a lot of money you will take it for granted and things wont be of much value in your mind, but if you are poor then the good stuff you get will seem even better because its so rare.

  13. Rich: you could take it for granted and think of it much…
    Poor: but if you are poor, anything you get seams like a blessing and it has value.
