Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 10 - Online Discussion Question 3

What are some of common problems associated with budget failures? What the are solutions to these problems?


  1. People not sticking to them and just spending without knowing how much money they really have. A solution would be to start using the envelope system that way they can visually see how much money they have and/or don't have to spend on certain things.

  2. I think it would be that lots of people don't do it diligently, and that's where the envelope system comes in! With it, they can get everything organized.

  3. One common problem with budget failures is people don't like "tying themselves down" and sticking to a plan.


  4. some people are afraid of running out of money in a certain section so they cant buy the things they need. those people need to learn that it is all trial and error no one will have a perfect budget on the first try


  5. I think the most common problem is when people don't stick with the budget, when they go a little over or they grab the cash when they so called "need" something. The solution is basically having patience when you want something, when you constantly use your budget you eventually get used to having the freedom to spend a certain amount of money.

  6. I believe that the most common problems are that people don't actually do it, or that it is too complicated or not enough.
    The best way to solve these problems would be, of course, to actually do it. Maybe enlisting the help of a friend to be an accountability partner would help.
    If the budget is too complicated, or if it doesn't have enough info, you should just keep on working at it, make the changes that you see need to be done and watch for any more that come up in the future.

  7. Failing to follow the budget. Having an over complicated plan will make it impossible to read and follow. You have to follow the plan to the end. Only then will you see the changes that will help you save.

  8. Simply, the most common problem with budget failure is when people just don't do them. If they make a plan, they don't stick to it, and sometimes they might not even write down a plan. Because people don't want to be restricted, they spend the way they want to and don't take the time to figure out how much money they have and how much they're going to spend.

  9. When people don't follow the budget plan they end up spending money they don't have. One of the ways to solve this problem is the envelope system.

  10. when they don't actually use the budget or they overspend. Or when they forget about certain expenses.

  11. People spend more than what was in the budget. The envelope system would help this.


  12. People not sticking to the plan or just giving up thinking there is no more hope. This can be solved be sticking to the plan and keep going forward even when you think you can't. Remember what Dave Ramsey says: "Live like know one else, so you can live like no one else."
